
Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 2, 2012

Vietnam seeks further assistance from ADB

Vietnam seeks further assistance from ADB
VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has affirmed that Vietnam wishes to develop the relationship with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) in a range of areas in the future. 
Photo: VOV
Speaking at a reception for ADB Vice President Stephen P Groff in Hanoi on Feb. 9, PM Dung said the country highly values the effective cooperation and assistance of the ADB on poverty reduction, human resources development, infrastructure and policymaking.

He said the ADB projects in Vietnam totalled more than 10.8 billion USD and have shown positive results and contributed to the nation’s socio-economic development. 

Dung expressed desire for the ADB to enhance investment in the fields of infrastructure construction, health care, education, and assist Vietnam with the environment, especially the impact of climate change, financial reform and State-owned enterprises.

For his part, Groff praised the achievements of Vietnam, particularly in curbing inflation, stabilising the macro-economy and assuring social security.

He said the ADB attaches importance to cooperation with Vietnam and affirmed to work closely with relevant agencies and sectors to implement agreements and cooperative programmes.

On Feb. 9, Finance Minister Vuong Dinh Hue also welcomed ADB Vice President Groff to the country.

Hue appreciated the ADB’s credit assistance of 130 million USD for restructuring State-owned enterprises in Vietnam, which is important for the Vietnamese economy, and the Vietnamese economy. He said the Song Da Corporation has been selected as a pilot enterprise to implement the restructuring endeavour.

Groff said Vietnam had managed the ADB projects effectively last year, compared to previous years and that the effectiveness of these projects would accelerate the disbursement of ADB’s capital for Vietnam.
VietNamNet/Viet Nam News


Vietnam, Laos sign education cooperation agreement 

Vietnam and Laos will increase the quality and efficiency of bilateral cooperation in education and human resource development in the 2011-2020 period.

This is part of a cooperation agreement signed in Vientiane on February 9 between Vietnamese Minister of Education and Training Pham Vu Luan and Lao Minister of Education and Sports Phankham Viphavanh.

The two sides will also accelerate management of Lao students studying in Vietnam and vice versa, and propose measures to improve training quality and exchange curriculum, books and publications.

They agreed to speed up research and syllabus compilation programmes for teaching Vietnamese at schools and boarding schools.

They will direct the implementation of building and raising the capacity of a Vietnamese Language Department at Laos National University, Luang Prabang Secondary School and Laos-Vietnam Friendship Secondary School.

This year, Vietnam and Laos will build an ethnic minority boarding school in Xieng Khouang province. Vietnam will send teachers to teach Vietnamese and natural sciences subjects at schools where Vietnamese students enrol.

At the signing ceremony, leaders from the two ministries emphasized the need to strengthen human resources training, exchange visits and increase cooperation at regional and international forums on education.

Minister wows to complete highway project on schedule  

Transport Minister Dinh La Thang inspected the ongoing progress of the upgrade project of National Highway 1A in the central province of Quang Nam on Thursday, wowing to see the project complete in four years or else resign from his post.
Minister Thang led a survey team from the transport ministry to inspect key traffic works in the province, including construction of the Huong An Bridge which is already behind schedule by two years, due to delays in site clearance.

According to Thang, the ministry is focused on upgrading and widening 85 kilometres of the highway in Quang Nam Province. In case he fails in his efforts to complete the project as per schedule Minister Thang has wowed to resign from his present post as minister.

Le Phuoc Thanh, chairman of the People’s Committee of the province said that several road accidents have occurred on Highway 1A as it is too narrow; hence the highway should be broadened as soon as possible to avert more accidents.

The province on its part will mobilise all resources to clear the site for construction of the project.

Vietnam, Cambodia enhance planning cooperation

The Vietnam Ministry of Planning and Investment and the Cambodian Ministry of Planning have agreed to enhance bilateral cooperation, particularly through the exchange of visits and experience sharing.

A memorandum of understanding to this effect was signed in Phnom Penh on Feb. 10 during a working visit to Cambodia by Minister Bui Quang Vinh from Feb. 9-12.

The two sides agreed to promote the exchange of delegations to strengthen relations and increase mutual understanding between the two sectors, as well as share experience in planning and statistical work.

The two ministries were unanimous on exchange of professional publications, information and documents and developing the website on the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam development triangle.

Accordingly, the Vietnamese Ministry will help its Cambodian counterpart enhance human resource capacity and provide digital equipment for management of the Khmer-language version website. It will also provide short-term training for officials from the Cambodian Ministry.

Minister Vinh took this opportunity to invite Senior Minister and Minister of Planning Chay Than to visit Vietnam next year and the Cambodian minister accepted the invitation with pleasure.

Party newspapers step up cooperation 

A delegation from the People’s Daily (PD), a publication of the Chinese Communist Party, visited Vietnam from February 2-10. 

The officials were led by Zhao Jia Ming, PD’s Head of the Department of Foreign Affairs. 

At a reception for the visitors, Thuan Huu, Editor in-chief of Vietnam’s Nhan Dan (People) newspaper, praised China’s socio-economic achievements made under the leadership of the Communist Party of China. He showed his delight at the strong and effective cooperation shown between the two newspapers over the years. 

Huu said he hoped that both newspapers will continue to strengthen their relationship as well as improving the professional competence of their respective employees, thus helping to boost friendship and solidarity between Vietnam and China. 

During their visit, the Chinese delegation also visited several cultural and economic organisations in Hanoi , Ho Chi Minh City and northern Quang Ninh province.

Finance Minister welcomes EU Ambassador 

Vietnamese Finance Minister Vuong Dinh Hue received newly-accredited Ambassador of the European Union (EU) Franz Jessen in Hanoi on February 10. 

Hue highly appreciated the EU’s assistance to Vietnam, especially its ratification of the cooperation strategy with Vietnam during the 2007-2013 period. 

As Vietnam’s trade partner and one of the country’s largest ODA (Official Development Assistance) donors, the EU has significantly contributed to economic growth, poverty reduction, human resource development, international integration, and building social welfare policies in the Southeast Asian country, Hue said. 

The Minister expressed his hope that the Ambassador will help tighten relations between Vietnam and the EU. 

Ambassador Franz Jessen said the current economic crisis in Europe will not affect the EU’s cooperative relations with its partners, including Vietnam. 

He pledged to maintain and strengthen the relationship between the two sides.

Vietnamese and Lao Presidents hold talks

The two State Presidents have affirmed their determination to strengthen the ties of time-honoured friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Laos.

State President Truong Tan Sang and his delegation arrived in Vientiane on February 9 for their two-day official friendship visit at the invitation the General Secretary of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) Central Committee and State President Chummaly Sayasone.

The visit is the first to Laos by Mr Sang as State President of Vietnam, as well as the first event in a series of activities celebrating the Year of Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship in 2012.

After the welcome ceremony, talks were held between the two State leaders.

Lao President Sayasone said Mr Sang’s visit is a practical step opening diverse activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the friendship between the two countries and helping to bring the Vietnam-Laos relationship to a higher level.

For his part, President Sang expressed delight with his first visit to Laos in his capacity as State President, while praising the achievements the Government and people of Laos have recorded toward the cause of national construction and development.

Mr Sang said he hopes Laos will continue to gain still greater achievements in improving people’s living standards and raising its role and status in the region and the world. 

The two sides noted with satisfaction the constant development of relations between Vietnam and Laos in recent times, especially in politics, national defence and security, economics, diplomacy, trade, investment, and education and training.

They agreed to coordinate joint actions in organizing activities for the celebration of the Year of Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship in 2012 and maintain the exchange of visits of high-ranking delegations to promote mutual trust and understanding. 

The two sides also expressed their satisfaction with bilateral cooperation in ensuring national defence and security in border areas, boosting investment in agro-forestry and fishery production, and preventing cross-border crime.

Economic cooperation between the two countries has made great strides over the past few years. Vietnam has become Laos’s second biggest investor with a total investment capital of US$3.57 billion.

They agreed to effectively implement cooperation projects on trade, investment, transport, agriculture and hydroelectricity, towards bringing two-way trade to US$2 billion by 2015.

Both sides spoke highly of the result of cooperation in education and training and agreed to work together on a project to improve the quality and efficiency of Vietnam-Laos cooperation in education and human resources development.

They will also coordinate more closely in such areas as healthcare, agriculture and rural development, infrastructure, tourism, culture, and post and telecommunication.

On regional and international issues of common concern, the two sides determined to enhance coordination and cooperation at regional and international forums such as the UN, ASEAN, AIPA and ASEM. Vietnam will continue to help Laos organize a number of summits in 2012 such as the 9th Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM 9) and the seventh Asia-Europe Parliamentary Partnership (ASEP 7).

On the occasion, President Sang invited Mr Sayasone and his wife to visit Vietnam later this year and his invitation was accepted with pleasure.

After talks, the two leaders witnessed the signing of a protocol on cooperation in training human resources for Laos in Vietnam; a plan for cooperation between Vietnamese and Lao ministries of education and training in 2012; a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on Vietin Bank’s credit provision for Laos’ Central Bank; and an investment license for a US$6.6 million project run by the Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV) and the Vietnam National Chemical Group to support the building of schools and social welfare activities in Laos.

The same day, President Sang met with Lao Prime Minister Thoongsing Thammavong and National Assembly (NA) Chairman Pany Yathotou, and laid wreaths at the Unknown Soldiers’ Memorial.

Mr Sang also attended the inauguration of some projects in Vientiane and Viettin Bank’s branch representative office, and talked to staff from the Vietnamese Embassy and overseas Vietnamese in the country.

Later in the evening, Mr Sang joined a banquet given by President Chummaly Sayasone.  

President Sang visits Laos’ Champasak province
On February 10, State President Truong Tan Sang and his delegation visited Champasak province and the Vietnam-Laos Rubber Joint Stock Company, and attended the inauguration of the Paksong radio and television station.

On arrival in the province, President Sang and his entourage were warmly welcomed by the administration and people of Champasak with flags and flowers. 

Immediately after leaving the airport, Mr Sang visited the rubber latex factory of the Vietnam-Laos Rubber Joint Stock Company – the first such international investment of the Vietnam Rubber Industry Group.

The operation of the facility with a capacity of 24,000 tonnes per year will help process rubber products on site, from a project planting 10,000 hectares of rubber.

President Sang praised the company’s investment in Laos which has created higher income and more jobs for hundreds of Lao workers and contributed to reducing poverty in the project area.

Next, Mr Sang attended the inauguration of the Paksong radio and television station, one of the projects using ODA funding from Vietnam for Laos’ remote areas.

The project will help Laos apply Party and State guidelines and policies in the area, thus improving the people’s lives.

The inaugural event is a vivid manifestation of the friendship and solidarity between the two countries, and a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the special Vietnam-Laos friendship.

Earlier on February 9, Mr Sang also attended a ground-breaking ceremony for the headquarters of the Vietnamese Association in Laos.


Vietnam, US increase trade ties

Vietnam, US increase trade ties
Vietnam and the US will iron out snags to facilitate their business operations and strengthen economic and trade cooperation.

The agreement was reached during a working session in Washington DC on February 9 (local time) between US Secretary of Commerce John Bryson and Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh, who is currently on a visit to the US. 

Both host and guest noted that bilateral trade and investment ties have grown and flourished in recent years, with two-way trade last year reaching US$21.45 billion and the US being the sixth largest foreign investor in Vietnam. 

Ninh briefed Bryson on Vietnam’s socio-economic development in 2011 and stressed that in 2012 the government will continue to give priority to reigning in inflation, stabilizing the macroeconomy and ensuring social welfare, while restructuring its economy and renovating the growth model.   

He requested Bryson introduce solutions to increase Vietnam-US trade and iron out snags in business relations. 

He recalled recent trade disputes between Vietnam and the US, especially regarding Vietnamese seafood and industrial product imports to the US, and asked the US to come up with fair and objective approaches to deal with and avoid such disputes.

Vietnam welcomes relevant US agencies to come and investigate farms and production facilities so they can produce correct and objective evaluations, said Ninh.   

He also proposed that Bryson support and early recognise Vietnam’s full market economy status and grant Vietnam the Generalised System of Preferences (GSP). 

Bryson expressed confidence in the Vietnamese Government’s economic restructuring plan and proposed that Vietnam introduce preferential policies to attract foreign businesses. 

He said many US businesses are considering expanding operations in Vietnam. In 2012, he said the US Department of Commerce will organize more than 30 events to encourage businesses to invest in Vietnam and promote bilateral trade. 

Meanwhile, Ninh confirmed that Vietnam respects US investors, as well as bilateral and multilateral trade agreements it has signed and that it has only put forward policies that do not violate bilateral and international commitments. 

The Vietnamese government will direct its ministries and agencies to timely resolve difficulties facing foreign businesses, including those from the US, said Ninh.   

The same day, Deputy PM Ninh met with senator Jim Webb, World Bank Managing Director Sri Mulyani Indrawati and representatives of the International Monetary Fund and several economic groups. 


Vietnam, China boost diplomatic exchanges

Vietnam, China boost diplomatic exchanges
VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam and China have agreed to promote high-level diplomatic exchanges with the aim of strengthening the ties of friendship and comprehensive cooperation between the two countries.

Vietnamese Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh began an official three-day visit to China on February 12 at the invitation of his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi.
Meeting in Beijing on February 12, the two FMs reviewed the development of Vietnam-China relations in various fields over the past years, and discussed international and regional issues of common concern as well as measures to promote the strategic partnership between the two countries.
Chinese FM Yang described Mr Minh’s visit as a positive contribution to realizing the common perception of senior leaders from both countries.
Both sides were pleased with significant progress in bilateral relations especially since Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s visit to China and Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam late last year. They said the relations between the two Parties and states have continued to grow and flourish in the interests of their peoples and for the sake of peace, stability and development in the region and the world.
The regular meetings and contacts between senior leaders have provided a political foundation for promoting bilateral cooperation in economics, trade, investment, education, science and technology, and dealing with issues arising from relations between the two countries.
The two FMs underlined the need to bring into full play what both countries have achieved in recent times to boost cooperation in potential areas, particularly in infrastructure construction and transport.
On land border and territory issues, they praised the results of cooperation in the proper implementation of the three land border documents and agreed to urge relevant agencies to work on the early signing of an agreement to facilitate free travel of ships at the mouth of the Bac Luan river, tap tourism potential in the Ban Gioc waterfall area, and utilize water resources.
On the East Sea issue, they called for coordinated efforts to settle disputes through peaceful means on the basis of mutual respect and benefit, and abide by international law, particularly the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) towards the building of the Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC).
The two FMs spoke highly of results of cooperation between the two foreign ministries and agreed to further enhance their cooperation and coordination in the future.
As a coordinator for ASEAN-China relations, Vietnam will work more closely with China to make ASEAN-China ties more substantial and effective, Mr Minh said.
On the occasion, FM Pham Binh Minh invited Mr Yang to visit Vietnam at a convenient time and his invitation was accepted with pleasure.

President Sang concludes Laos visit

President Sang concludes Laos visit
VietNamNet Bridge – President Truong Tan Sang left Pakse International Airport in Champasack province on February 11, concluding his three-day official visit to Laos with an agreement that both sides will work to step up bilateral ties in all fields.
Champasack welcomes President Sang. (Source: VNA)
Earlier, President Sang made a tour to Attapeu province which borders Vietnam’s central highlands province of Kon Tum. 

There, he paid a visit to the family of Lao Party General Secretary and State President Choummaly Sayasone, met with the Attapeu Governor and visited socio-economic facilities invested by the Kon Tum-headquartered Hoang Anh Gia Lai group.

Sang gave high estimations of Attapeu’s economic cooperation with Vietnamese localities, especially that with the Hoang Anh Gia Lai group in implementing the latter-invested social welfare assistance model, suggesting expanding the model in other localities in both Vietnam and Laos. 

He also suggested Attapeu in particular and the two countries’ health and education sectors in general to cooperate with each other in the exchange of doctors, nurses and teachers.

The Vietnamese president said he hopes Attapeu will create possible favourable conditions to enable more Vietnamese businesses to invest in the locality as well as actively participate in activities to mark the Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship Year 2012.

The same day, President Sang and Lao Party General Secretary and State President Choummaly Sayasone attended a ground-breaking ceremony for Attapeu International Airport. The airport is invested by the Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group.

Talking with the press on the results of President Sang’s trip, Deputy Foreign Minister Pham Quang Vinh said the visit was successful, depicting profoundly the two countries’ special friendship and solidarity as well as their comradeship and fraternity.

The two sides reached consensus on the importance and determination to constantly foster the two countries’ traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive cooperation, making it an invaluable asset that needs to be preserved and passed to future generations.

He said during the visit, the leaders officially launched the Vietnam-Laos Solidarity and Friendship Year 2012 to mark the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties and the 35th anniversary of the signing of Vietnam–Laos Amity and Cooperation Treaty.

Furthermore, the two sides agreed to beef up cooperation in all fields, ranging from politics, external relations, defence and security to economics, trade, investment, culture and education and collaborate in effectively implementing the results of the 34th session of the Vietnam-Laos Inter-Governmental Committee.

They showed their determination to strengthen the two countries’ economic ties on par with their established political relations to bring two-way trade to 2 billion USD by 2015.

They also agreed to encourage and facilitate the two countries’ businesspeople to create more practical projects to benefit each country’s social welfare and economic development.

The two countries’ leaders affirmed to continue cooperating and coordinating closely at international and regional forums, especially the United Nations, ASEAN, the Asia-Europe Meeting and the Mekong sub-region.

Vietnam gave support to Laos’ bid to join the World Trade Organisation and its organisation of important international conferences this year, said Deputy FM Vinh.

“The success of the visit reflects greatly the special solidarity, loyalty, and closeness between the two Parties, States and people of Vietnam and Laos. The two sides are determined to spare no effort to strengthen and develop the special solidarity forever,” Vinh asserted.
VietNamNet/Vietnam Plus

Deputy Prime Minister urges US to remove remaining trade barriers

Deputy Prime Minister urges US to remove remaining trade barriers
VietNamNet Bridge – Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh has recommended the US recognise Viet Nam's market economy and grant the country access to its Generalised System of Preference during his official visit to the US last week.

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh meets with US Trade Representative Ron Kirk during his ongoing visit to the US since February 7. (Photo: VNS)
The Deputy PM headed a Governmental delegation and met with senior US senators, US Secretary of Commerce John Bryson, US Trade Representative Ron Kirk, World Bank (WB) President Robert Zoellick and Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Naoyuki Shinohara.
He stressed the need for the US to remove trade barriers imposed on key Vietnamese exports such as "tra" and "basa" fish, shrimp, honey and wind turbine towers The Vietnamese delegation also sugg ested the US continue helping Viet Nam deal with remaining war issues, especially projects to clean-up the environment and support Agent Orange victims.
The Vietnamese Deputy PM underlined Viet Nam's active international integration policies and said that the country would continue to negotiate positively with the US and other partners on the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. He also asked the US to ensure Viet Nam's interests during TPP negotiations.
The US side said it would continue stepping up cooperation in trade, investment, science-technology, education and training, as well as working closely with Viet Nam at multilateral, regional forums, including ASEAN, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) and the East Asia Summit (EAS).
They also expressed hope that both parties will soon solve the outstanding difficulties with certain trade links and join in efforts to complete negotiations for the TPP.
The WB and IMF officials stated that Viet Nam was one of their leading partners and said that they were pleased with the relationship between the US and Viet Nam.
They acknowledged that the WB and IMF have supported the Vietnamese Government's measures to control inflation and stabilise the macro-economy while restructuring the overall economy, agreeing that Viet Nam needed to continue with those measures in 2012.
The WB leader asked the Vietnamese government to speed up the disbursement of capital to projects with support from the WB under the WB-funded Financial Sector Assessment Programme.
While in Washington, Deputy PM Ninh also attended talks on Viet Nam-US economic relations with the heads of several major US groups who acknowledged Viet Nam's efforts to stabilise its macro-economy and said they were optimistic about the prospect of increased investment and trade with Viet Nam.
The Deputy PM discussed Viet Nam's key development policies for the near future and pledged to continue to create the best possible environment for foreign investors, including those from the US.
Ninh's visit is expected to last until February 18.
VietNamNet/Viet Nam News